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Nathan Belitz

Iu diet reddit







































Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts log in sign up User account menu 3 Thoughts on the IU diet.It isn?t for long terms results unfortunately EN SAVOIR PLUS >>>















Thoughts on the IU diet? : diet

gg/d8Mt2zA.r/diet: Join us on Discord! https://discordNot eating for periods of time works well for many people when it comes to weight loss and maintenance.I was wondering what are the implications, or whether there are any, after that 10 days if he ate a lot for like, let's say 3 days.Civil discourse is required.Basically your body uses the fat for energy since there are no carbs coming in to burn.Not sure about the yoyo effect you are referring to, but I would say that is some BS as well.Macronutrients, micronutrients, vitamins, diets, and nutrition news are among the many topics discussed. It's okay if you say something is best for you, It is NOT okay to say a diet is best for everyone or is the most healthy.I lost a ton of weight counting calories and intermittent fasting.Converse WITH the other person and not ABOUT the other person.I had a budget of 100kcal per day and felt so weak during those 10 days.Actually, it proved the exact opposite - starvation made people feel very lethargic and obsessed with food, which under natural conditions would have made them move less, conserving their energy, and try to acquire more food by whatever means possible, increasing their intake.Macronutrients, micronutrients, vitamins, diets, and nutrition news are among the ?.r/nutrition: A subreddit for the discussion of nutrition science

I tried the IU diet + workout (kinda) for 3 days : yoorajung

For open conversations about Yoora and her posse.Instagram: 11 Members 5 Online Created May 16, 2019 Join help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts Communities Top Posts Topics about careers press advertise blog Terms Content policy Privacy policy Mod policy Reddit Inc ? 2020 Thoughts on the IU diet.

Starting Monday, I'm going to TRY (NOT DO JUST TRY) The IU diet : kpopslumberparty

Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts log in sign up User account menu 1 Starting Monday, I'm going to TRY (NOT DO JUST TRY) The IU diet.The diet consists of A apple for breakfast A sweet potato for Lunch A protein shake for dinner I WILL ONLY EXPIERMENT AND FINISH AFTER ONE WEEK SO DONT THINK IM DOING IT TO LOSE WEIGHT.It's like the Friday Free-for-All every day of the week!We have no restriction on content, we do ask that you refrain from being mean though!.I'll try to give updates when I start it Thoughts on extreme kpop idol diet.


asian dieting culture is wild : EDAnonymous

During that time I lost A LOT of weight and went from 51 to 44kg (for 165cm so i was already in the almost underweight range).Ofc I asked when she last ate (thinkin she was back on one of her crash diets) and she said A COUPLE OF HOURS AGO.She would go weeks with eating only watermelon because she wanted to look skinnier.She was not fat, not overweight, actually in the low-normal range.On the other hand sometimes I think it would be kind of nice to live in a social culture where men not only know that you eat too little, but almost expect you to, as opposed to the Western World where the ideal is often very close to the 'Cool Girl' where men think we can stuff our faces with junk every day and remain a size 2.I had no clue this was a thing Continue this thread. Smh.Or K-Pop stars who share their 'diets' which pretty much come down to not eating anything except for a Starbucks Latte with low fat foam. IU needs serious help.

Its fake, also these k-pop diets dont work either, its simple calories in, calories out.The waist below was untoched but you see a dark line along her ribs.On the left side, she looks pretty thin and way more straight than on the right.To me, the waist seems fake but please tell me if I'm wrong.To me, the waist seems fake but please tell me if I'm wrong.Especially if she managed to reach her goals.Either way, dieting for 5 day or even 5 weeks is unlikely to give this result.Equally misleading, you can't change that much in 5 days.How straight or curvy your hip, belly etc form is, is mostly a genetic problem.I tried looking through the comments of the vid for sanity but everyone was praising her for being so 'aesthetic'.She's definitely dehydrated on the right, whether or not she induced bloating for the left (I think probably but it's hard to say).You eat so little food you drop all your water weight.She might have accentuated the look by being more relaxed in the first and flexing in the other.

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